As we continue to grow and expand our capacity to endorse across the country, we can only do this with your support. Your donation to HONOR PAC will help us continue our impact!
** Contributions to HONOR PAC are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. HONOR PAC has a California and a Federal fund to support:
1) endorsed candidates, independent expenditures and/or mission-aligned propositions;
2) mission-aligned advocacy, civic engagement, and get-out-the-vote efforts;
3) operational and other organizational needs. 100% (one hundred percent) of your contribution will be deposited into either one or both of the HONOR PAC funds for their intended efforts and according to the respective state and federal rules.
The California HONOR PAC fund is a registered committee (FPPC ID# 1278587) and the federal HONOR PAC fund is registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC ID# C00848747).